Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024

Mai Aktivität - 2024 AUSSTELLUNG


Mai Aktivität - 2024 AUSSTELLUNG


April-Aktivität -2024 AUSSTELLUNG

jaime de la gracia
Grußwort zur: Licht und Lust -FOTHOGRAFIE is an art of shadows. Shadow is a property of light. Photography is also an art of the ephemeral, a photo ages faster than a song. Photography is gymnastics for the memory. When you photograph an object, you see it twice and discover edges that you couldn't see at first glance, and this action improves our relationship with nature, which is why the Argentinian writer Julio Cortazar recommended that the best gift you can give a child is a camera.
Light and desire - PHOTOGRAPHY - six authors, armed with their cameras, talk to nature, ask themselves questions in the face of everyday life and explore the forest. Sigrid Pohl-Häußler searches for the hidden veins in the bark of the trees, as if she wanted to decipher what time and moisture have written in them. Gitte Schumacher, sees the wild and androgynous dance of the branches in nature and photographs it. Hans-Jörg Prüffer, goes hunting in the city, which seems to be quiet, but isn't. The heart of Berlin is a runaway horse, and in the semi-darkness the photographer discovers the carefree and simple beauty of the girl drinking beer and looking at the bicycles. and inevitably asks himself the question: - Who are the bicycles dreaming about? Pablo Neruda's poetry is a poetry of water. Françoise Limouzy, who has chosen Colombia as her second home, also turns her photography into a celebration of water, portraying the dark and fresh greenery and life of the Andes mountain range. Michel Leger calculates the everyday. Born in Algeria of French nationality and living in the beautiful and sweet Brussels, he explores with his camera and his heart the hidden beauties of the forest of the Dominican Republic, his other great love. Konradin Grossmann makes photography his fun and the results are ochre lights full of subtle meanings.
-Dear friends, let the poets name the new languages and let the photographers bare the skin of things for us.

März-Aktivität - 2024 A.R.T. Windo Von Huhn zum Hund


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